The main weather and climate features of the northern hemisphere in April 2017
Air Temperature
In the European territory of Russia (ETR) the temperature conditions were substantially different. In the first ten-day period the March abnormally warm weather was kept. In the north-west and centre of ETU the air temperature anomalies over the first decade reached +3…6 and more. Here were the numerous warm records: Kaliningrad, Pskov, Smolensk, Bryansk, etc. But in the second ten days cold penetrated here, and ten-days period temperature anomalies have set -2…-3°. In the third decade the cold reached the south Russian border. Average decade temperature anomalies exceeded -3…-4°. In the west and central ETR regions, in Volga area and in the south (Crimea, Krasnodar, Stavropol districts) the new daily temperature minimums were achieved. In Smolensk district the frosts reached -15°, Tambov - -9°, the light frosts were even in the south – Rostov district, Stavropol district and in Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The warmth came to the Central Russia only in the last day of the month.
Striking contrast of ETR became the temperature on the east of Urals. If in Urals, particularly its northern part, in the first and second decade the temperature conditions corresponded to the norm, and abnormal warmth came here only in the third decade, but in Siberia and in Far East it dominated all month long. The average decade temperature anomalies reached here +7…8°. In the north of Far East the April 2017 is the warmest on the country record. In Siberia, seven out of ten warmest Aprils occured in XXI century.
The key weather and climate features in the northern hemisphere in March 2017
Air Temperature.
Average March air temperature of 2017 in the Russian Federation is the highest on the record, i.e. on the last 127 years. It exceeded the former record of March 1990 by 1.5°. The first three months of the recent year are also the warmest ones on the record.
In March 2017 the highest average monthly air temperatures were reached in Ural, Siberia Federal Districts and in the north of Far East Federal Districts. In Central Federal District and in the south of Far East Federal District they have got the second rank amongst the highest values, in the North-West Federal District – the third one.
During the month in many regions of the country the new temperature maximums were reached, including the monthly absolute maximums. The air temperature norms were exceeded countrywide, in the centre – by 4-5°, in Urals, Siberia and in the north of Far East – by 7-12°. Sometimes, in Kamchatka region daily maximums were recorded during five-eight days in succession. Never before in Russia there were so large average monthly air temperature anomalies at vast territory.